This last weekend of October it is time to change the time. At 3 a.m. it will be 2 a.m. again. This change affects our biological rhythm and our schedules and routines.
As usual, this last weekend of October it is time to change the time. At 3 a.m. it will be 2 a.m. again. We sleep an hour longer, but this change affects our biological rhythm and our schedules and routines.
How does the time change affect us?
Time changes affect our circadian rhythm, our body is accustomed to a schedule and a routine and its change affects us. As many experts point out, this brings with it certain imbalances that can sometimes lead to sleep disorders and drowsiness throughout the day.
As a general rule, the time change usually causes a slight adaptive disorder, which does not last more than four or five days until our body readjusts to the new time. The most common symptoms are trouble falling asleep and fatigue throughout the day. These problems are often accentuated in children and the elderly.
At Dupen we know the importance of sleeping well. On other occasions we have already talked about how to sleep well, telling you the 6 keys to do it. That’s why we can’t ignore what the time change means for our sleep routine.
What can we do to cope better with the time change?
- Gradually adapting to the new schedule
Sudden changes make it much more difficult for our body to get used to them. That is why it is better to make changes gradually. Starting several days before the change to readapt our sleeping and eating schedules is the best way to get used to it as soon as possible. If we advance our schedule by 15 minutes each day, the change will be practically imperceptible.
Napping is a subject to be very careful with. We cannot fall into the error of trying to put an end to the fatigue caused by the time change by taking too many naps. In fact, the most advisable thing to do is to continue with our routine: not to take a nap if we don’t usually take one; and if we do take one, to keep it for the same length of time.
- Taking care of our diet
A healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle in general are the best allies to sleep well. Especially during the days close to the time change, we should have light lunches and dinners that do not hinder our digestion. We should also avoid the consumption of alcohol, caffeine and nicotine, known enemies of our hours of rest.
In addition, sport is also a good ally on those days, since, being physically more tired, it is easier for us to fall asleep.
- More sunlight and less screen light
The type of light we perceive during the day also affects our circadian rhythm. During the days before and after the time change it is very beneficial to spend more time in the sunlight and to expose ourselves to fresh air.
In contrast to the importance of sunlight we have the negative consequences of light from screens. We should avoid, as far as possible, exposing ourselves for long periods of time to the screens of cell phones, computers or televisions. Above all, we should avoid it in the hours before going to bed. Instead, we can choose to read until we get sleepy.
For many, the time change goes unnoticed in their sleep routines, but for others it is a nuisance. If even if you follow these tips, it’s still hard to get to sleep, here are 5 tricks to help you sleep.
In Dupen we work every day to improve your quality of life, so we strive to take care of your health and your rest.