March 6

All about World Sleep Day 2020

The main objective of World Sleep Day is to highlight the importance of sleep and to make visible the various problems associated with poor sleep. This year’s event will be held on  Friday, March 13, 2020.

The World Association of Sleep Medicine (WASM) sets World Sleep Day 2020 this Friday, March 13, 2020. During its celebration, different activities related to quality sleep are carried out all over the world.

Quality sleep is crucial for the proper functioning of our metabolism, our immune system, our mood, our learning… So the main objective of World Sleep Day is to highlight the importance of sleep and make visible the various problems associated with poor sleep.

This year’s World Sleep Day 2020 is presented with the slogan “A better sleep, a better life, a better planet”.

Why is World Sleep Day 2020 important?

The quality of sleep directly affects our health and quality of life. And the data are alarming, as it is estimated that about 45% of the population suffers from some type of sleep disorder. There are a multitude of sleep disorders, although the most common is insomnia, followed by restless legs syndrome and sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome.

Our immune system takes advantage of sleep time to regenerate, so quality rest is essential to strengthen it.

World Sleep Day 2020 is celebrated on the Friday before the March equinox, also with the idea of raising awareness of the importance of sleep-related problems and that they can cause serious health problems if not treated in time.

The date chosen for World Sleep Day was established by the World Association of Sleep Medicine (WASM) in 2008. The date chosen was the Friday before the vernal equinox.

How is it celebrated?

World Sleep Day 2020 is celebrated in different parts of the world. WASM is organizing a commemoration with the participation of various professionals and experts in the field, to raise awareness of the importance of prevention and the different treatments and advances to achieve quality sleep.

Different activities are organized around the world, all focused on highlighting the importance of quality rest for our health.

Tips for quality rest

Sleep disorders can be both treated and prevented, but it is necessary to put yourself in the hands of professionals. The problem begins when people suffering from sleep disorders do not seek professional help or even self-medicate in an uncontrolled manner.

At Dupen we have the mission to help society by taking care of your rest, that’s why we support the cause of making sleep deprivation visible as a major health problem. We are committed to a healthy lifestyle and we do our part to help you take care of your rest. Therefore, in our blog we try to give you as much information as possible to take care of your rest and we provide you with the following information tips to improve your sleep routines, information on the phases of sleep and tips for a good rest in general in order to help you take care of something as important as your rest.

And not just on World Sleep Day 2020, but in every day of your life it is important that you give sleep and rest the importance they deserve. The World Association of Sleep Medicine (WASM) proposes sharing ideas and experiences on this topic on social networks through the hashtag #WorldSleepDay. Will you join us?

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